Never again will one generation of Veterans abandon another.
Never again will one generation of Veterans abandon another.
Elected Officers
Frank Muller
Directors residing in Wisconsin and serving Vietnam Era Veterans
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4
256 101 115 005
409 220 206 092
425 221 224 256
448 236 351 331
635. 729 437 479
731 731 529
921 1130
Members listed are based on the Election Report Submitted to the Wisconsin State Council Secretary, per VVA Constitution. If the VVA Chapter Officers and Delegates are not listed it is because the WSC has not received this calender's Election or Financial Report. For those delegates or alternates without a line under their name check the name above. Still no line, the email was not provided.
President, Duane T. Con
By clicking here you will see and can print the WSC Report and the WSC calendar for the year. Click to get Election form p.3 and Financial WSC Reports, VVA Chapter membership total, region, and delegates for WSC meetings -- includes whether or not VVAMembership or Finance accepted reports.
The number presented in parenthesis (XXX) following the VVA Chapter number are the number of WSC delegates.
Regardless the issue, if you have a question or concern contact us! Either Drop Us a Line or click on the CHAT button in the lower right corner.
(VVA Chapters can attach Election and Financial Reports using Drop Us A Line)